Unrealistic Expectations?

02 Jul

My partner, Steve Feldman, and I were recently on a call with an author who was considering Reclaim Management for his representational home. Having reviewed the man’s existing novels and upcoming project ideas, I felt particularly heightened interest in bringing him into the fold. His ideas were stellar, and his manner seemed like a very good fit with the rest of the Reclaim authors and artists.

We enjoyed an hour of great talk wherein Steve and I explained the intricacies of Reclaim (converting every book project into a screen project, affording authors free PR for product launches, growing a family of creatives who work together). I sensed we’d neared that point in the conversation where everyone needed to go their separate ways, pray about it, and decide to move forward either together or separately. As always, I asked the author if he had any further questions for us before we ended the call. His question, at first, caught me off guard.

“Well, Rebeca, I’ve been listening intently to what you and Steve are saying and it sounds almost too good to be true. You guys have brought it all together and I love your vision and passion. I guess I’m just wondering…do you think you’ve set my expectations too high? Can you guys really do all this? Really achieve this big of a vision?”

My mouth was open before I had a chance to think. “No,” I said.

Everyone burst out laughing, including me. “Okay, let me clarify that. I work for a God who’s bigger than I can fathom. And I know, without a doubt, that the vision Steve and I have is really His. We’re not smart enough to have come up with all this. We’re just the people who said, ‘Yes,’ when He crafted this particular plan. Are the tasks we face giant? Absolutely. But I have no stress about whether it will come to fruition because this is how God works in my life. He always has. God took this granddaughter of a coal miner and a farmer, and decided to plant her in the world of stories to get His truth out. He gives big dreams and I just start putting one foot in front of the other and there He is, at every step.

The only way this doesn’t work is if He decides for it not to. Steve and I are all in, fully committed to what He’s doing and willing to do what He wants, which doesn’t always make sense to us in the immediate. So do I think we’ve set unrealistic expectations? No. Because I expect God to keep doing what He does.”

Steve echoed my sentiments, recounting a few of the things God’s done thus far in our business journey together to assure us of His presence and control. I hung up with a smile on my face and a renewed expectation for the journey ahead.

How does God reveal His dreams for you? How has He shown up in your circumstances? Go ahead and share – I love hearing stories from fellow travelers!

1 Comment

Posted by on July 2, 2011 in The Misc Bucket


One response to “Unrealistic Expectations?

  1. Linda

    July 4, 2011 at 1:35 am

    How has God answered my expectations? One way was by having this blog pop-up in my email! I’ll be sending you something soon.


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